Author: admin

Panaji gujju fraudster brothers nikhil, karan have no online income, indian government pays them a raw/cbi salary for their SCHOOL DROPOUT mother naina chandan’s SEX SERVICES

Instead of continue their online, paypal, banking fraud of making fake claims about karan, nikhil the sons of india’s top gujju SEX SERVICE PROVIDER,SCHOOL DROPOOUT housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, raw,cbi, ntro, indian security and intelligence agencies should be honest that nikhil, karan are paid monthly raw/cbi salaries only because they are because they are sons of india’s top gujju SEX SERVICE PROVIDER,SCHOOL DROPOOUT naina chandan who has top government officials addicted to regular SEX with her

Just like raw is paying a monthly salary to goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar for their sex services, the indian government also values the SEX services of gujju school DROPOUT naina chandan, more than the security agency, defense employees who lose their life fighting for india, who get only one government job to compensate for the family contribution
So raw/cbi have hired and are paying salaries to three members of the family of the panaji gujju fraudster family for the SEX services of naina chandan and the indian government propaganda machinery is also DUPING people, companies and countries that gujju sex queen’s family, who do not spend any money online on domains, owns the domains where their sex, real estate, banking, fraud news is posted, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor.

Income tax returns in 2019 will also legally prove that the gujju fraudster family of the gujju SEX queen cbi employee naina chandan, does not have any kind of paypal income, and does not pay any domain expenses
Hence this is being posted so that citizens are not duped by the lies of raw/cbi/ntro/indian and goan government agencies

Indian government wasting Rs 4 crore annually to criminally defame hardworking citizens who are making money online

In one of the worst cases of criminal defamation of indian citizens, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the Indian government wasting Rs 4 crore annually to criminally defame citizens who are actually making money online, ruin their reputation, with raw/cbi employees who have no online income, falsely claiming to own their bank, paypal account, to get a monthly raw/cbi salary

The raw/cbi employees are least interested in spending time and money online, yet the fraud companies google, tata are so vicious in defaming hardworking indian paypal account holders to avoid paying call girls like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan for their SEX services and other top officials bribes from their million dollar profits, that these fraud companies have made fake claims about SEX service providers, robbers, cheaters for 10 years

To ensure that the raw/cbi employee banking fraud is not exposed, the Indian government is wasting Rs 4 crore annually to criminally defame citizens who are making money online, refusing to acknowledge the time and money they are investing online and duping people, companies and countries with their complete lies about the lazy fraud unskilled raw/cbi employees.

why is corrupt LIAR indian government, NTRO not monitoring call girl, housewife raw/cbi employees who it is paying a monthly salary making fake claims of online expertise

why is corrupt LIAR indian government, NTRO not monitoring call girl, housewife raw/cbi employees who it is paying a monthly salary making fake claims of online expertise
Officially the corrupt LIAR indian government, NTRO are falsely claiming that the 10 google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goand call girl, housewife raw/cbi employees who do not any computer work, are online experts, domain investors to waste indian taxpayer money paying them monthly salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is broke because of the indian government, ntro financial fraud

The indian and state government especially goan government have criminally defamed the real domain investor since 2010, refusing to acknowledge the time and money she is spending online and are falsely claiming that the fraud lazy raw/.cbi employees, who do not any work at all, own her bank, paypal account to pay them a monthly raw/cn. So if the indian and goan government had any honesty, humanity, they should have left the engineer alone, since she is a private citizen

NTRO, raw, cbi, state and central governmemt have defamed her socially and professionally, misleading people with their lies that she has no online income at all, yet in a clear case of NTRO HYPOCRISY,DISHONESTY AND ONLINE FRAUD the section 420 fraud ntro employees led by the brahmin mhow cheater puneet, vijay, j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, patel, are wasting taxpayer money to monitor a private citizen and then falsely claiming their sex worker, robber, cheater girlfriends and other fraud raw/cbi employee who do not spend any time doing computer work, are doing the work to pay them a salary at the expense of the person who is doing the work

So the domain investor would like to ask the indian government,ntro, raw, cbi why are they not monitoring the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees like riddhi caro, naina chandan,her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, veena, asmita patel, ruchika who they are paying a monthly salary since these fraud liar agencies falsely claim that these women are online experts, domain investors. the truth is that section 420 fraud ntro will find out that these raw/cbi employees are only sex service providers and housewives looking after their house and family, they have no internet connection at all except paying sex, money bribes to ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees

why is ntro monitoring the laptop of a private citizen , domain investor, who it has criminally defamed for 9 years and falsely claims has no online income. India claims that all citizens are equal so why is NTRO monitoring the laptop of a private citizen, denying her the right to privacy, causing losses and falsely claiming that lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who are not spending any time are doing the computer work to waste taxpayer money paying them a monthly salary

Since the surveillance is not benefiting the domain investor in any way, and is causing losses, used for committing crimes, she would like to ask NTRO why they want to monitor her ,when they refuse to acknowledge her

make their shutters down one by one – poor quality writers get plenty of work, money in India because of google, tata

To defame domain investor, ntro raw, cbi are ensuring that all her articles are rejected by indian customers and then cbi falsely claims her paypal, bank account belongs to 10 google tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do have not opened the account and cannot withdraw any money from the account in a major online fraud.

This part of the fraud ntro employees attempt to defame the domain investor and destroy her confidence. Clearly the official rejecting the article does not care for merit, the articles approved are of poor quality which are posted below for everyone to verify

Nowadays retail competition is taking over old stores, pushing them to make their shutters down one by one. Walmart is taking interest in online more, whereas Amazon is spreading its wings offline as well via stores and buying whole foods. The retail dollars are in a heavy war-zone where customers will soon get the whole battlefield amidst their fists with the advent of Smartphone apps.

The domain investor’s english is far better, yet she is not getting any work at all, while writing who write junk english like that listed above get plenty of work and payment in India.

Quick money offered for defamatory photoshopped photos circulated by sex addicted gujju ntro employees nikhil, parmar, parekh and others


The gujju community in goa is small, yet along with some sindhis they are the most shameless ruthless greedy fraudsters and liars who are openly involved in a massive real estate, banking and online fraud on a harmless hardworking single woman engineer whose identity they have stolen to get the school dropout gujju sex service provider housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh a cbi job

they are trying to cover up their fraud by circulating defamatory photoshopped photos and videos of the single woman engineer when she is in public places. When she is panaji, the sex addicted liar fraud gujju officials, led by parekh, parmar, patel, nikhil are intentionally sending their male microchipped associates to stand very close to her so that they can prepare photoshopped defamatory photos of the engineer to ruin her reputation.

Instead of having the humanity and honesty to admit their fraud on the engineer, the sex addicted gujju officials are shameless and ruthless in defaming the engineer, making and circulating photoshopped photos and videos of the engineer when she is in public places. The engineer is willing to offer a reward to anyone who can provide the photoshopped photos, videos which are being circulated by the gujju and other fraudsters to defame her, so that she can initiate legal action against those who are circulating these photos and videos
Please contact on skype :
reward of Rs 400 will be offered for any photoshopped defamatory photo, video of these gujju or other officials of February 25, 2019

Gujju bespectacled fairskinned ca’s daughter making fake claims of working online

Though the gujju community in goa is small, some of them like parekh, nikhil, parmar, are the greatest liars and frauds in the world, beating the nigerian fraudsters in their endless frauds. Most gujju women get married early, after their education, and are only looking after their family and house, they do not have any income or professional income of their own , they have high social status if they do so. It is shocking that the goan mainstream media considers these BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUDSTER gujju officials to be respectable when it can be legally proved that they shameless LIARS AND CHEATERS

However in a clear case of defamation, cheating and exploiting the greedy shameless gujju cheater officials led by the ruthless cheater and liar parmar, nikhil, parekh are falsely claiming that various lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced microchipped gujju housewives with no professional income,experience no computer of their own, who are not spending any time doing computer work own the bank, paypal account of a single woman engineer, to get the various microchipped gujju housewives great powers, cbi jobs and other privileges at the expense of the engineer.

Earlier the shameless greedy gujju liars parmar, parekh, nikhil were promoting the gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh. Now that the fraud of promoting naina, and her sons, nikhil, karan, is exposed, the shameless greedy gujju fraudsters are now duping people with their complete lies promoting the light eyed wife of a CA in panaji, goa, falsely claiming that she owns the bank, paypal account of a single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor and google competitor, when there is no professional connection at all

After these microchipped gujju housewives and young gujju fraudster brothers nikhil, karan, were exposed,it appears that the pathological LIAR FRAUD gujju officials parmar, parekh, nikhil and others are now falsely claiming that the bespectacled short fairskinned ca’s daughter, studying in don bosco, wearing a plait, who does not oil her hair, and does not do any computer work at all, is working online in another of shameless fraud gujju communities attempt to defame the domain investor, engineer and paypal account holder

The fairskinned ca’s daughter is a look alike of the indore document robber R&AW employee deepika who has stolen the identity of the robber housewife veena. On 15 February 2019, in a clear indication that the gujju fraudsters are stalking the domain investor, as soon as the domain investor left her house, they sent the fairskinned ca’s daughter to the fruit seller, to purchase fruits. It clearly indicates that the gujju fraudsters are now duping the customers of the domain investor,engineer, that fairskinned ca’s daughter who is not spending any time, is doing work, in another example of the endless frauds of the gujju identity theft gang in goa

The gujju officials are clearly banking fraudsters and liars, when they are making these fake claims, yet the intelligence and security agencies falsely claim that they are credible sources, An open question to the liar gujju officials, lazy greedy gujju housewives,sons and daughters,. intelligence and security agency employees in goa, why do these gujju housewives,sons, daughters, not open their paypal, bank account legally, offer services to customers outside india, why are they falsely claiming to own the bank account of a single woman engineer, continuing with their BANKING FRAUD for more than 9 years.

Fraud raw/cbi employees and other well connected frauds falsely claim to own paypal acccount of google competitor

The sundar pichai led google is extremely ruthless in defaming competitors to destroy them with Fraud raw/cbi employees and other well connected frauds falsely claim to own paypal acccount of google competitor to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the google competitor in a fraud greater than nigerian fraudsters. In a clear example of defamation, Goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak falsely claims to own paypal account of google competitor when she has not opened it, cannot operate it

One of the greatest online, banking, paypal fraudsters in goa is the shameless google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak who looks actress kangana ranaut , who has no online income and no online investment (like the goan call girl R&AW employees bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar,veena and others) , yet is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, domain investor, google competitor to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor

The indian and goan government are blindly repeating the lies of section 420 fraud ntro employees led by vijay to justify the salary to the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi, who falsely claim to know the engineer and google competitor very well, when it can be legally proved that they have not interacted with the engineer in her entire life just like riddhi nayak has never interacted with the engineer in her life, all these frauds are only misusing the name of the engineer,

So the ntro employees, riddhi nayak and her liar associates are clearly involved in a massive financial fraud, when Shameless google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, falsely claims to own a bank account which she has not opened and cannot operate. The google competitor is spending time with a relative who is a senior citizen, to help him, she is not at her mailing address always, due to personal reasons, and the fraud companies, google, tata are using this to commit their banking, paypal fraud on the engineer since 2010, making fake claims that riddhi nayak and other frauds own the paypal, bank account.

Many people are not at their mailing address, no one shamelessly and falsely claims to own their bank, paypal account like panaji’s top extortionist riddhi nayak. The goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, is also helped by her shameless fraud liar husband caro, relatives nayak, mandrekar and other gsb fraud officials who are falsely labelling the google competitor a security threat without any proof at all, just because she has some savings. Like other citizens, the google competitor is free to use any mailing address for her bank account.

If these cowardly fraud shameless liar goan gsb and other officials have the courage to face the domain investor, google competitor regarding her savings she would tell them that her savings are far less than those of her ex colleagues. These fraud officials have no right to compare her savings with those of their lazy fraud relatives like riddhi nayak who have no engineering degree, no engineering or professional experience, and got married immediately after their studies.

In 2019, the security and intelligence agencies fraud of labelling citizens a security threat based on savings is exposed, Shameless google, tata sponsored lazy greedy Goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak like other fraud raw/cbi employees should open their own paypal, bank account, and stop falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the google competitor, just because she is not at her mailing address always , because she has to help a senior citizen.

After call girl, bribery fraud, now google, tata, ntro are involved in a laziness fraud

On Iwriter small countries like Kenya, Canada have overtaken India in quality of work, because google, tata, ntro are involved in a laziness fraud on hardworking indian writers, defaming them as lazy to cheat and exploit them for the the rest of their lives.

The fraud companies google, tata are also falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan call girls sunaina, siddhi mandrekar, they supply to ntro, government employees for sex, bribe giving cheater housewives naina, veena, and the lazy greedy relatives of top officials like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, who do no writing work at all, are doing the writing work for iwriter and other customers to get all these frauds, call girls raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the real writer, who is getting nothing.

The google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees are not spending any time writing at all, bank details will also legally prove that these fraud raw/cbi employees never made a single penny writing on iwriter, however NTRO continues with their fraud of defaming the realm hardworking writer as being lazy and duping people that the sex workers whose services they are addicted to, and other lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who are not doing any work at all as hardworking

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