In the latest example of raw fraud, now R&AW is doing false propaganda about fraud slim scooter driving housewife with two kids, in panaji goa . The slim housewife who looks like slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, in height, and build, was involved in stalking the domain investor in panaji, goa, near caculo mall in the morning where she came to collect milk
since the fraud raw employees and goan bhandari officials are monitoring the computer of the domain investor and then falsely claiming that the cheater housewife, who is actually only looking after her children, is doing the computer work in another example of government fraud.
This slim cheater housewife earlier had only one son, and a few months ago she had another child. This is part of the deal of the goan bhandari officials with the maharashtra government officials who are also supporting the slim goan bhandari call girl in her domain ownership, online, educational fraud.,
It appears that the LIAR raw employees are falsely claiming that the housewife owns the reddit account in another example of government fraud
How to deal with Reddit members like Hypatianism BRIBED to defame people on reddit?
from NEHOG via /r/RBI sent 13 hours ago
then it can’t be removed then. Reddit is an open platform/forum and unless the wronged party complains there is no justification to remove things.
The person(s) who that user is attacking have to complain, not you.
The quora account and reddit account belonged to the same person, yet ntro is duping people, so that they can steal the account later
this again proves that LAZY GREEDY LIAR slim goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, her fraud relatives like pritesh chodankar should not be trusted, why does slim sunaina not open her own reddit account legally, instead of relying on the ntro/raw employees having SEX with her, google, tata PIMPS marketing sunaina’s sex service to dupe people, companies and countries with their lies