Times of india carries news of indore’s cleanliness, not the massive ICANN, EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD of indore ROBBER raw employee deepika on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010
Times of india carries news of indore’s cleanliness, not the massive ICANN, EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD of indore ROBBER raw employee bespectacled deepika on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010 causing great losses and damaging the reputation of india
The madhya pradesh government and FRAUD LIAR indore officials are aware that the indore role model ROBBER raw employee deepika has not answered JEE, does not invest any money in domains, has no online income. Robber indore housewife deepika is getting Rs 30000 monthly from her fraud husband mahesh, for COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING and is spending her time only cooking and housekeeping
Yet in a clear case of indore financial fraud, indore officials, madhya pradesh government are falsely claiming the indore robber raw employee deepika who does no work, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman domain investor, the relative of the indore robber deepika, who ROBBED her relative to get a raw job with the help of google, tata .
The single woman domain investor is spending 8-10 hours daily doing computer work, yet in a massive indore, madhya pradesh government FINANCIAL,paypal fraud the liar MP government is falsely claiming its ROLE MODEL ROBBER deepika,a greedy FRAUDSTER with no online income, owns the bank acount of the single woman who she ROBBED to get its favorite robber a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the single woman