The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials
The brahmin, bania dominated indian internet sector is ruthless in destroying the reputation of hardworking kshatriya professionals, like a older single woman domain investor and to avoid allegations of CASTEISM, they are falsely promoting google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan,a SEX EXPERT as online expert to DEFAME, CHEAT, EXPLOIT the single woman domain investor in another example of brahmin, bania atrocities
The SHAMELESS RUTHLESS LIAR brahmin, bania officials, companies , google, tata PIMPS are aware that goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan,a SEX EXPERT does not even have a computer at home, and is least interested in doing any kind of computer work, investing money in domains. The goan bhandari call girl sunaina also HATES the real domain investor and has threatened violence openly
Yet for the last 9 years, the indian internet companies, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies have DEFAMED, CHEATED, EXPLOITED, HUMILIATED the single woman domain investor and are DUPING countries, companies and people with their lies. This is posted as a FRAUD ALERT so that people, companies and countries are aware that slim goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan is only a SEX EXPERT with ntro, raw, cbi employees happy clients for her sex services, she has no online income at all.