The denial of almost all paid work to the domain investor, engineer, goa 1989 jee topper with a much better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai for the last one year because she does not agree to identity theft, shows how india is wasting the best engineering talent in the country
The rich and powerful communities in india like the shivalli brahmins, goans, goan bhandaris, gujjus, sindhis, khatris, indoris are extremely ruthless and aggressive in resume robbery of bhandari/obc engineers with a good JEE rank like the single woman engineer , criminally defaming her without any proof, stealing her data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives who do not do computer work, do not pay expenses, yet get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims since 2010.
The domain investor has worked hard and legally acquired her savings, resume, she does not find any reason why she should give up her resume, savings just because powerful liars are making completely fake allegations against her, and robbing her correspondence, leads and orders. The government agencies, tech and internet companies fail to realize that their resume robbery, government SLAVERY, financial fraud on the single woman, denying her the right to equality, is ruining the reputation of the country, tech and internet sector.
After Alibaba, Warren Buffet has also exited Paytm since many investors are realizing that indian tech and internet companies are devoid of honesty, humanity and corporate ethics, rewarding the banking fraudster raw/cbi employees since 2010
worldwide everyone including maidservants, workers, prisoners are paid for the work they do, complying with labor laws
Only in the indian internet sector, in a work at home fraud, government SLAVERY racket, financial fraud since 2010, allegedly masterminded by the SHAMELESS GREEDY LIAR FRAUD top tech and internet companies , government employees especially from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, the hardworking experienced online workers, investors are CRIMINALLY DEFAMED so that the lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates of these LIAR top indian government employees can get lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector at the expense of the online worker, investor
Panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, haryana gurugram cheater mba ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro are some of the many fraud raw/cbi employees faking online work, online income, domain investment and getting a monthly government salary
The hackers hired by the shameless BANKING FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees are extremely ruthless in causing losses to the single woman engineer who they have CHEATED of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010. They are blocking even the small amount from timebucks for clicking ads intercepting the data packet. Though the page remains open in chrome or microsoft edge browser,the timer stops because the data packet is intercepted and the user has to click on the link again to restart the timer.
So though the ad has to be viewed for only 35 seconds,due to data packet interception the user has to waste 60 seconds or more to make the $0.001 for clicking. Since the well paid fraud hackers are wasting so much time, the user has very less time for doing housekeeping work.
Though the shameless GREEDY LIAR FRAUD indore officials/leaders pretend to be very honest talking about trust and the corrupt indian government blindly believes in their lies to waste taxpayer money paying monthly salaries to indore’s top fraud housewife raw employee deepika/veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees it can be legally proved that they are the greatest online FRAUDSTERS, LIARS running india’s greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010 which other cheater states like goa, gujarat, haryana, karnataka are also emulating
One of the greatest FRAUDS of the shameless LIAR indore officials/leaders is how they are falsely accusing the honest domain investor , who does not interact with people of CHEATING when these shameless LIAR indore officials/leaders cannot prove the name, address, transaction details of the person who is cheated. Due to extremely high levels of government corruption, FINANCIAL FRAUD the the corrupt indian government blindly believes in their lies to waste taxpayer money paying monthly salaries to indore’s top fraud housewife raw employee deepika/veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees for FAKING domain ownership, online income
Additionally indore’s top fraud housewife raw employee deepika/veena and other GREEDY SHAMELESS CHEATER raw/cbi employees are also ROBBING almost all the revenues of the domain investor abusing their powers, due to which the online workers are making less than maidservants
In the latest income robbery by the well paid GREEDY indian government employees the Binance Crypto Red Packet Giveaway revenues were ROBBED by the greedy government employees abusing their powers. Despite sending a large number of clicks, the domain investor, who is making great losses due to government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD did not get any credit after the first day of promoting the link
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panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw emploeye sunaina chodan never did any computer work, never invested money in domains like her fraud brahmin sugar daddies like j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay , yet just because sunaina offered SEX BRIBES top indian government employees , these bribe taking government employees ROBBED all the data of the real domain investor,single non-goan bhandari engineer and DUPED countries,companies and people that panaji CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who never paid for any domain was the domain investor to give the CALL GIRL great powers, monthly government salary
Since the SEX BRIBE TAKING LIAR top indian government employees ensured that their favorite goan CALL GIRL sunaina chodan got a monthly government salary only for FAKING domain ownership in a SEX trade deal since 2010, CALL GIRL sunaina chodan does not have to bother about paying domain and other expenses, so there is no reason why the panaji call girl would waste her time doing computer work since the indian government blindly believes all the SEX BRIBE TAKING liar top government employees making fake claims about their favorite call girl ,
In contrast though the liar indian,goan, karnataka government refused to acknowledge the real domain investor,a single woman engineer paying all the expenses, like all real domain investors has to pay the credit card bill, so she has to make some money. Since all the work that pays well is diverted to the robber raw/cbi employees the domain investor is forced to do low end timebucks work,
Though BANKING DOMAIN FRAUDSTER panaji goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL slim sunaina chodan did not have a computer at home, and did not do computer work like 10-15 other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, their resume, savings,domain ownership, the indian tech, internet companies, indian government agencies continue their massive online, financial fraud, government SLAVERy DUPING countries, companies and people worldwide with fake stories of domain ownership, online income
Due to high levels of CORRUPTION, FINANCIAL FRAUD, raw/cbi continue their massive online fraud of falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees are doing all the computer work, to deny the online worker the opportunities she deserved like iwriter. So now the domain investor is doing timebucks, and watching videos is one of the easier ways to make some money. However some technical expertise is required to make money from the videos.
The domain investor is checking the tasks done by those who have completed a survey and finds that almost no one from india is doing the video watching work daily. This shows the extent of the government harassment,how the government belittles and wastes technical talent,with liar government agencies criminally defaming them and making fake claims about their lazy greedy CALL GIRL, school dropout, housewife and other lazy greedy fraud employees who have no online income yet are getting monthly government salaries based on the lies of dishonest top government emploeyes especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay like cheater puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay
MI6, cia ask timebucks to only show pakistan related tasks to protect their favorite fraud raw employees GREEDY gujju stock broker amita patel, haryana cheater ruchita kinge
Though the MI6,CIA stooge shameless greedy gujju domain fraudster stock broker raw employee amita patel has never invested money in domains, has refused to open her own paypal, bank account like the long list of shameless fraud raw/cbi employees including indore cheater housewife deepika/veena , haryana human monster gurugram cheater ruchita kinge ,due to the extremely high levels of financial fraud , corruption in the indian government, and specifically raw/cbi all these frauds are getting monthly government salaries for FAKING bank account, domain ownership since 2010
To cover up their massive financial fraud, the CHEATER LIAR raw/cbi employees, fraud tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, cognizant ran a massive FAKE FRIENDSHIP RUMOR FRAUD, falsely claiming that government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay who actually hated the domain investor and never helped her, were paying all the expenses to justify the great powers and monthly government salary which their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like amita patel, haryana human monster ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena are getting for faking domain ownership, bank account
Though the domain investor had alone written 5800+ articles on iwriter, mi6, cia got their lazy greedy stooge ruchita kinge, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree who did not write any article on iwriter, control of the content after FAKING writing work as part of the bribery system in india
Though the google,tata sponsored greedy gujju stock trader fraud raw employee domain fraudster amita patel has a networth of more than rs 100 crores she and her shameless cheater husband jitu refuse to purchase even one domain from the single woman engineer who is paying for the domain expenses instead rely on cheater liar gujarati officials,leaders to run an extortion racket and get the raw employee domain fraudster amita patel a monthly government salary for faking domain ownership since 2013.
Now the single woman engineer is making great losses because of the indian government financial fraud on her since 2010, so she is trying to make a small amount using timebucks. Yet to block the $0.06 bonus which is getting daily, most of the tasks are removed, only pakistan telecom related tasks are being shown to frame the domain investor, showing the dishonesty of the mi6,cia, government agencies in trying to frame the domain investor who is making great losses because of the government fraud on her.
Though their lazy greedy relative bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad from mit, manipal was only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, her powerful CHEATER relatives Shivalli brahmins hathwar, kodancha got her a no work, no investment government job in the internet sector FAKING writing work
For this the shameless cheater shivalli brahmins had a deal with CHEATER LIAR top indian government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay led by the cruel puneet,j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay hated their female classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer so to destroy her life, they FAKED friendship with her to rob her resume, savings, data, correspondence to get their lazy greedy fraud cheater girlfriends no work no investment government jobs allegedly in raw/cbi at the expense of the single woman
Now to cover up the writing fraud, government slavery , the shameless shivalli brahmin officials are extremely ruthless in blocking all work and payment for the single woman engineer whose data, resume, correspondence they have robbed to get their lazy greedy fraud relative bengaluru housewife nayanshree a monthly government salary.
Now the engineer who is paying a huge amount of money for domain renewals yet is making a huge loss because of raw/cbi financial fraud on her, finds that all the writing work is taken away, so she has some free time and is doing timebucks tasks. Yet showing how ruthless the shivalli brahmins are in causing losses, the timebucks mail which pays about $.004 is also not delivered, allegedly stolen by the shivalli brahmin other hacker ntro/raw/cbi/tech/internet company employees
Usually the email is delivered immediately, yet the email was again stolen, wasting the time of the domain investor.
Though they pretend to be very generous and honest making large donations to top colleges and running charities , indian tech and internet companies led by google,tata, cognizant are the greatest cheaters and frauds ruthless cheating, exploiting and robbing a single woman engineer,domain investor, making up fake team stories to force to work like a slave, making her pay all the expenses, while getting 15-20 lazy greedy frauds like the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector at her expense, falsely claiming to own her paypal, online, bank account, have her resume, savings,
Instead of compensating the single woman who they have cheated of more than Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010 , the vicious greedy fraud indian tech and internet companies have increased their hacking with the help of fraud accenture employee short slim architect telugu trisha in whose relatives house, a sophisticated wifi hacking network is installed for stealing data
As part of the hacking deal with fraud accenture employee short slim architect telugu trisha, the corrupt local intelligence and security agencies are falsely claiming that their favorite fraud trisha, who does not spend any time is doing all the computer work to give the young fraud great powers.
The hackers are extremely vicious at harassing the domain investor , doing everything they can to cause losses. Usually a website will load with 30 seconds , yet they are delaying the website load time to cause losses, and waste time. For example on 15 september 2023, the domain investor was trying to open a website through clickspaid and found that the webpage was not loading even after 5 minutes, indicating the extent of the harassment of the domain investor,
Though haryana human monster raw employee ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees do not invest money in domains, do not do computer work at all like their powerful cheater boyfriends like puneet, j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, due to the extremely high levels of financial fraud, corruption in india, these cheaters falsely claim to own the domains, bank account of a single woman engineer and get a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor
To cover up their massive financial fraud of cheating the single woman engineer of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010, the domain fraudster raw/cbi employees are making fake allegations of money laundering and now hiring hackers to cause further losses to the single woman who they have ruthlessly cheated .
The hackers hired by domain fraudster raw/cbi employees block even few kopecks for PTC ads, when the domain investor clicks on the ads at seo-fast she is getting the message “Request denied”, showing how vicious the hackers are in wasting her time and ensuring that she is not paid for the time she spends