In India, government agencies are very effective in blocking opportunities, orders for those who work at home

In India some citizens working at home, are making very less money mainly because the government agencies are diverting and stealing all their leads and orders, especially for US $ payments.

While the government agencies especially the shivalli brahmin cheaters who have got a no work, no investment government job for lazy greedy banking fraudster relative bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee nayanshree for FAKING writing work since 2013, are trying to justify this discrimination, falsely claiming that the person working at home is not competent, the fact is that it is very easy for government employees to rob the leads, orders for online work without being questioned

NTRO, raw are assigning great discretionary powers to their employees and they are diverting all the orders to their friends, relatives and bribe givers so citizens like the domain investor who the raw/cbi employees hate, do not get any paid work, except from a few websites where the payment is largely automated. In contrast offline shops have walkin customers who government agencies cannot stop

Wintub does not pay for watching videos, leads to exness forex trading website

Fake acount registration leads to Hindi exness forex trading
Wintub is a website which claims that users are paid for watching Youtube videos
Yet anyone who is trying to register with it, will find that they are redirected to the Exness forex trading website
The account is also getting activated automatically due to hackers
It is a major fraud on the user who thinks he will be paid for watching videos , yet is asked to desposit money in the hindi exness site
The user is wasting their time registered at wintub hoping to watch videos and get paid.

Aviso, easiest way to make money online in 2023

while the american internet companies like google are the largest and richest in the world, they are also the most dishonest, greedy and miserly,ruthless in their fraud on small online business owners making losses, cheating, exploiting, robbing them to get no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector for frauds like goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, greedy gurugram fraud optum human resources manager ruchita kinge,indore robber deepika/veena, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, FAKING bank account, online income, domain ownership with the help of indian tech companies, allegedly tata
In contrast the russian internet companies are more generous in paying people who have very less money online, who do not get any orders due to order theft, there are a large number of russian websites which pay immediately after reaching the payment threshhold
It appears that the rich in Russia are sometimes generous in helping others, with the Vkontakte founder Pavel Durov famous for throwing out 5000 rouble notes from the office window to help people who have less money
It appears that the same principle of helping others is visible at the Russian website, Aviso, they are paying almost 4000+ people daily and the minimum payout is only two roubles approximately $0.03 . The online work is fairly simple, visiting websites, watching Youtube videos, reading emails, doing tasks. They have an english translate option for those who do not understand russian.
Please help the real domain investor cover the domain renewal, website expenses, registering at , get paid for watching videos for 10 seconds , visiting websites

Ysense acount disabled without giving any valid reason

Though the google,tata sponsored greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani ,indore robber housewife deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshre, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak caro, gurugram greedy optum human resources manager ruchita kinge and other raw/cbi employees,their powerful boyfriends do not pay any money for domains , showing that LIAR indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata , government agencies are running the greatest online, financial, accounting fraud in the world , indian government agencies are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen, single woman engineer
Due to the massive government FINANCIAL,ONLINE, ACCOUNTING FRAUD since 2010, the domain investor is making great losses, so she tried to register for Ysense to make a small amount since cia,indian government continue to support the google,tata sponsored greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees in their domain ownership fraud since 2013
Though thane greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured on money control, hindu business line, economic times, has a net worth of more than Rs 100 crores being a very shameless fraud like panaji goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees refuses to purchase any domain, though she gets a monthly raw salary only for making fake claims of domain ownership with the support of google,tata, united states, uk and other countries
Yet the Ysense account is disabled showing the ruthlessness of government agencies in committing accounting, financial fraud on the real domain investor who is finding it difficult to pay domain renewal fees.

Moneymint lists junk websites like captchaclub and captcha24, yet is ranked well in Bing, Google

Indicating the poor quality of the search engine results, Moneymint lists junk websites like captchaclub and captcha24 which do not exist or are parked pages, yet is ranked well in Bing, Google
This exposes the fact that in the internet sector, the search engines are not ranking websites on the basis of merit,they rank websites based on the corrupt security agencies running an extortion racket since 2010
Since the domain investor does not agree to identity theft give up her impressive resume, savings to the lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends of security agency employees like panaji goan bhandari call girl sunaina, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, the security agencies led by gsb fraud cheater caro, nayak, goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar are falsely labelling a security threat without proof and asking search engines like google, tata not to include the websites in the search engine results, due to which the websites have no traffic and make very less money.

Publish0x Kucoin payment is delayed without reason

Publish0x claims that it is paying users of the content they provide, and the account is paid in Crypto
Since the Kucoin wallet limit is less at $0.5, the domain investor requested payment
Usually the payment request is processed on Monday, and the amount transfeered to the crypto wallet kucoin the same day.
However though the payout request was approved on 4 December 2022, the payment is not received till 8 december 2022.
Anyone else facing the same problem can send an email to

QBkcaptcha hacked to waste some ad viewers time at coinpayu

After the payoneer payment was received, the great goan online, financial fraud has been exposed, and the writing work is greatly reduced. So the domain investor is trying some crypto websites, hoping to make money from their affiliate program later,after getting a payment proof
Some websites like Coinpayu are using Qbkcaptcha to check whether a human is watching the ads.
However some hackers have allegedly hacked qbkcaptcha and it showing a new calculation every time, wasting the time of the ad viewer
Once it is obvious that the system is hacked it is better to do something else instead of wasting time.

Since google, tata PIMPS are her loyal dogs DUPING companies, countries, people worldwide,Greedy Goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan allegedly names her new bulldog tago

Greedy Goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan allegedly names her new bulldog tago after her loyal google, tata PIMPS who have got her a raw job
Though Greedy Goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan never had a computer, never did any computer work, has no online income, and did not did not invest money in domains, as part of the sex trade deal with top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, she was extensively promoted as a online expert, domain investor so that these fraud tech and internet companies to get her a government job at the expense of the real domain investor so that these companies did not have to pay sunaina for her call girl services from their million dollar profits.
The google, tata employees allegedly acting as PIMPS for scammer sunaina, who is the sugar baby of top government employees, were extremely aggressive in duping countries, companies and people with fake stories about shameless scammer sunaina to get her a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who was slandered in the worst manner
since she has a no work , no investment government job for faking ownership of this and other domains, Greedy Goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan has plenty of free time and money, so she purchased an expensive bulldog costing Rs 25000
To thank the loyal google, tata PIMps who are her very loyal DOGS who are promoting her extensively, though she does no computer work at all, does not invest any money in domains, Greedy Goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan allegedly names her new bulldog tago after her loyal google, tata PIMPS , ta from tata and go from google

LIAR top government employee puneet ruthless in his online money making fraud on college classmate

Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet extremely aggressive in DUPING countries,companies with fake stories of writing work
Though they get a very good salary and pension, Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employees like puneet are extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing indian citizens who make very less money, especially his engineering college classmate who he HATES
In addition to making up FAKE STORIES of domain ownership to get his greedy gujju girlfriend amita patel and other frauds, raw/cbi jobs at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet extremely aggressive in DUPING countries,companies with fake stories of writing work to get his lazy greedy girlfriends lucrative government jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he has cheated, exploited and robbed in the worst manner since 2010.
Though he is aware that his lazy greedy girlfriends like bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree,wife of tata power employee fraud guruprasad, are not doing any writing work, he is so ruthless in CHEATING,EXPLOITING his btech 1993 ee classmate that he continues to steal her data and make fake claims.
Being an excellent singer, performer, he is also an expert in manipulating people, so he is also slandering his female btech 1993 ee classmate, always belittling, ridiculing her, to ruin her reputation so that no one believes her,and he is also training all his associates to slander her, so that he and his associates can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her for the rest of her life
Fighting the endless frauds of LIAR top government employee puneet has adversely affected the online business and its revenues have reduced greatly.

Brahmin cheater housewives nayanshree, riddhi nayak caro continue with their online money making fraud.

One of biggest examples of how professionals, investors from poorer communities are CHEATED, EXPLOITED , denied their fundamental right to equality due to dishonesty of bhandari officials like goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar is how High status respectable BANKING FRAUDSTER housewives like ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, fake ownership of mumbai bank account of single woman engineer to get monthly government salaries,.

Greedy goan gsb fraud government employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro is india’s top BANKING FRAUDSTER refusing to open her own bank account

GREEDY goan gsb fraud housewife robber cbi employee riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut has lived in goa all her life , yet being a SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD she falsely claims to own mumbai bank account to get monthly government salary. banks will only allow citizens to open their account, if they have a local address yet being the most SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD and LIAR , high status respectable, goa’s top BANKING FRAUDSTER robber riddhi nayak caro, like bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, falsely claims to own the bank account of a hardworking single woman
engineer who has no one to help or defend her against CYBERCRIMINAL cheater married women, their cheater husbands, and other fraud government employees

LIAR DISHONEST indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata fail to answer why their favorite FRAUDSTER Greedy goan gsb fraud government employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro,wife and daughter of goa’s SHAMELESS SCAMMER security agency employees CHEATER caro, nayak (like raw employees goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar ) does not open her own paypal bank account LEGALLY , falsely claims to own the bank account, domains, savings of a single woman engineer who she HATES,SLANDERS, along with her FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro

It can be legally proved that Greedy goan gsb fraud government employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro has never met or interacted with the single woman engineer, whose bank account, domains the greedy ROBBER riddhi falsely claims to own , yet showing how Greedy goan gsb fraud government employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, her FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro are in manipulating the government system, SHAMELESS SCAMMER robber riddhi continues to get a monthly government salary for FAKING bank account, domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor
To cover up her banking, online fraud, SHAMELESS SCAMMER riddhi, her FRAUD father nayak, husband CHEATER caro are allegedly falsely claiming that the bank account, domains of the single woman engineer belong to her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay, when they are aware that no classmate has helped the single woman engineer in any way at all, and she has not interacted with any of them
The fraud liar indian tech and internet companies are aware that their favorite FRAUDSTER Greedy goan gsb fraud government employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, is only interested in COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, CHEATER caro, she does not want to do any kind of computer work, yet they continue to support ROBBER riddhi, husband CHEATER caro, in their CYBERCRIME racket, BANKING FRAUD, in a case of government SLAVERY

So though the shameless scammer employees of top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are extreme aggressive in promoting goan gsb FRAUD housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, people, companies and countries should be aware, that these government employees are not making any money online, only falsely claiming to own the bank account of a single woman engineer who they HATE, SLANDER.